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Visus peržiūrėtus filmus įvertinu IMDB svetainėje. Pirmuosius vertinimus galima rasti dar iš 2009-ųjų. Galima matyti, jog per pastaruosius 10 metų peržiūrėjau viso 910 filmų O.o
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The Six Main Arcs in Storytelling
Kurt Vonnegut'as buvo iškėlęs teoriją, jog jeigu koncentruotis tik į istorijos emocinę trajektoriją, tai visas kada nors sukurtas istorijas iš esmės galima sugrupuoti į viso labo 6 pagrindinius tipus: 1. Rags to Riches (rise) 2. Riches to Rags (fall) or Tragedy 3. Man in a Hole (fall then rise) - The main character gets into trouble then gets out of it again and ends up better off for the experience. 4. Icarus (rise then fall) 5. Cinderella (rise then fall then rise) or Boys Meets Girl - The main character comes across something wonderfull, gets it, loses it, then gets it back forever. 6. Oedipus (fall then rise then fall)
Tikrieji kino industrijos aukso metai
This is the best one I could find for overall domestic theatrical ticket sales. It shows that the top 10 years are 1946-1955, descending, i.e., the industry peaked in ’46 and went steadily downhill after that. The worst year in movie history was 1971, and we’re only a little bit above 1971 levels right now.
and see that we’re currently coming down from a small 2000’s spike in ticket sales. 2012 had 1.37 million tickets sold in the US, compared to over 4 million in 1946, when we had less than half the current population.
While box office revenue is often a measure of the health of the movie industry, box office results can be misleading. As ticket prices rise, so too do overall box office numbers. Admittedly, you can adjust box office grosses for inflation, but why go through a middle man when you can go straight to the actual number of movie tickets sold?
Behind the Scenes: Causes of Decline in Box Office Ticket Sales
The year 1946 was a benchmark in cinematic history. More tickets were sold that year than in any other. The movie industry was poised for success, ready to rake in anticipated profits on a global scale. World War II had ended. The studio system was well-established. Studios owned both the means of production and distribution, with a slew of nationwide theater chains. It seemed as if the film industry was on the verge of another golden age.
But this was not to pass.
True, the boys were home from the war, but, as it turns out, boys will be boys, and their interests weren’t necessarily in spending their nights at movies shall we say. As the baby boom began to shape American society, going out to the movies suddenly became more difficult.
Around this time, the federal government became concerned that the movie industry, with its integrated vertical distribution pattern, represented a monopoly. In 1949 the Paramount Divorce Decree separated studios from their theater chains. The studios had five years to separate themselves from the theater chains they controlled. Most of these theaters were located in large, downtown urban areas. But as families began to grow in size, the need for larger homes in the new suburbs emerged. As families flocked to the suburbs, distributors, still in flux from the Paramount Decree were slow to respond. As population centers shifted away from downtown areas, the main audience for films was moving further away from the venues that were showing them. And as if this weren’t enough —
Along came television.
Regular network television broadcasts began in 1946 on the Dumont Network, with the familiar big three networks establishing TV networks by 1948. By 1951 television networks were broadcasting from coast to coast. Why go to the movies, when the movies now came to you? Granted, television was in its infancy, and for sheer spectacle, nothing could touch the silver screen, but as going to the movies became increasingly difficult, television became an easy alternative ‘“ and best of all, after you bought the TV set, it was free!
As box office admissions declined, the studios fought back as best they could. New technologies such as Cinerama, CinemaScope, Todd-AO and 3-D were introduced to try to lure people back to the theaters. But while these could stem the tide, movies were increasingly becoming one of many entertainment options, as opposed to earlier times when they were virtually the only game in town.
This isn’t the whole picture, but rather, it’s intended to provide a broad overview of some factors that led to the decline of box office admissions. As the film industry moved into the 1960s, ticket sales continued to decline until they reached their low point.
Last updated
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