High bandwidth brain connection, implanted via robot surgery
As with any technology, there are benefits and downsides - and excitement as well as concerns are justified. But the goal shouldn't be how to avoid certain technology in order to avoid these issues. Progress in science and technology happens, it's just a matter of time and mostly circumstances who will discover something new and how they are using that - so these developments can't be stopped. So we need to discuss how we can avoid potential issues while continuing to work on such technology. And that requires a lot more interaction with the scientific community than expressing concerns or doubt. People really need to realize that we all, as a species, are responsible for the outcome of things, we can and should actively shape the future.
Neurolink pirmą kartą nuo įkūrimo 2016-aisiais surengė prezentaciją ir papasakojo apie savo pasiekimus bei kuriamą N1 sensorių: Straipsnis apie prezentaciją Prezentacijos video
Visiškai puikus ir išties masyvus Tim Urban straipsnis, pasakojantis apie tai, ką šiuo metu suprantame apie smegenų veikimą, kokius Brain Machine Interface'us turime jau dabar ir kokie yra ilgalaikiai Neurolink tikslai.
We’re going to have the choice of either being left behind and being effectively useless or like a pet—you know, like a house cat or something—or eventually figuring out some way to be symbiotic and merge with AI. Then, a second later: A house cat’s a good outcome, by the way.
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